Monday, December 3, 2007

Welcome to connect@kesher. Our hope is that this website will help us all feel a little bit more connected. Please feel free to add posts, comments, photos and video!

~ Michal & Nikah


Anonymous said...

Wow! This is so cool! Thank you Nikah and Michal for setting this up! How does this work? Is this the only way to post anything? Well, looking forward to seeing everyone on Chanukah. And Mazal Tov on Talya Rivka!!!

Bracha Rosen said...

She took the words out of my mouth...(we must be related):-)
This is really exciting!!
Happy Chanuka everyone!!

Unknown said...

Fantastic! We should continue adding to this so we can keeep up with what evreyone's doing. It's great to see my einiklach!
Henie Fialkoff